Eggplant Parmesan

Serving Size
Serves 6
2-medium Italian eggplants-skin removed-cut into thin even rounds
2-cups of Italian breadcrumbs
2-cups flour
1- 16oz jar of tomato sauce (or 2 cups fresh)
1-cup extra virgin olive oil
1-cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
1-cup shredded Mozzarella cheese.
A few leaves of fresh Basil
Sea Salt-Ground Black Pepper
1-9” x 15” baking dish (1 extra if needed)
1-Jar Tomato Basil Sauce
Heat oven to 350 degrees. In two saute pans, (cast iron the best)pour in the olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan. In threemedium bowls big enough for each eggplant slice, place beateneggs, Italian bread crumbs, and flour. Start by dredging eachround of eggplant covering both sides, with flour, then egg, thenbreadcrumbs. Place each round in the saute pans, about 4 ineach and brown both sides on low-to medium heat. In a 9” x 15”glass casserole dish, cover the bottom with some tomato saucethen place each round in to cover the first layer. Repeat the aboveuntil all the eggplant is browned and there are at least 6 stacks ofeggplant rounds about 3 or 4 in each round. Pour over the tomatosauce, add some fresh grated parmesan cheese and cover allwith some shaved mozzarella cheese. Add some fresh basil onthe top of each round and cover with foil and bake for at least onehour. Take out of the oven and let stand for a few minutes untilset. Serve with fresh garlic bread and sing!
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Sing . Cook . Eat. Enjoy!
— Andy LoRusso